TeamJava member
Johnathan Mark Smith

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BACKGROUND: specialties software hardware/OS projects

Send email to: Johnathan Mark Smith

Rates: (please inquire directly)

Services provided as a freelancing individual

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Portfolio/Resume URL

( top )
Staten Island, New York

Best way to contact
Please send email
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Java / Perl / CGI
Web / Visual Basic / Intranets
In building Web Site,
Intranet systems and Internet Systems
Preferred projects
Small to big web site and intranets
Platform of focus
Windows, UNIX AIX
( top )
Past projects
Building web sites and 
Intranet systems for major banking firms
Programming background
6 years of Visual Basic
2 Years of C/C++
2 Years of Java
2 Years of PERL
2 Years of CGI
2 1/2 Years of HTML

Languages background
I've been using Visual Basic for over
6 years and now I've been working with
Java and perl for about 2 years

Software-environment background
I've been using the JDK,
Cafe and now Visual J++
Hardware background
Using PC ! ! ! !

NO Mainframes ! !! ! ! !

OS background
Did most work on UNIX, but I love windows95 and
windows NT4.0

Miscellaneous technology background
Setting up networks and intranets
Tools available - SOFTWARE
I've been using Cafe and JDK, 
but now I am turning into a 
Visual J++ man.

Tools available - HARDWARE
PC 486's and UP

Tools available - NET
FTP, Netscape and 
all the Microsoft internet tools
top )
Resouces offered to the public - free/demo/trial
CGIAccess Class

URL for more info

Predictions for Java (8 - November - 96)
Java is going to be bigger and
bigger as the internet and intranet grows ! !

TeamJava link button

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